Planning Our Homeschool Year

The weeks leading up to September are some of my favourites. I always considered September to be the unofficial but real New Years. With all the schools and programs starting up in September and Stéphane’s return to his teaching job, it just feels like a new start.

the unofficial but real New Years. With all the schools and programs starting up in September and Stéphane’s return to his teaching job, it just feels like a new start.

Homeschool Planning

Today I’m going through how I plan out our homeschool year and how my BRAND NEW PLANNER makes my life a little easier! 

We are eclectic homeschoolers, blending a few different styles together to make our own unique style. We like to borrow from Charlotte Mason and unschooling while also doing some unit studies.

We use unit studies in a different way. We give each month a theme and fill our reading basket with books that connect (sometimes very loosely) to our theme. I also like to make a list of a few activities that also link in with the theme. When Alexie asks for an activity, I’ve got a couple of options already listed and she can pick from there. This unit study/unschooling blend really works for us and lets us explore new or seasonal topics without the pressure of needing to get everything done.

After using a few different planners over the years, I found that there were always a few things missing or extra pages that a homeschooler would never use. So I designed the homeschool planner of my dreams. It has pages for reflection, a yearly overview, monthly and weekly layouts, inspirational quotes, login/contact info pages and even progress reports! 219 pages of homeschool planning bliss and I’m showing you exactly how I use it today! From planning our unit studies to planning our field trips, all the details are in the video!

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