Reading List for Homeschool Parents

We give our kids books to read because books are one of the best ways to learn. They inspire, educate and challenge our thinking.

Which is why we, as homeschool parents, should be reading too.

This past year or so, I’ve been making a real effort to read more in general. I’ve actually read more books in the last year, than I have in all the year combine since high school. While I’ve done pretty well on my personal goal of reading more, it’s also given me a chance to read some great books on homeschooling and education.

This is my book list for homeschooling parents. These books have changed how I think, taught me some cool things and inspired me. You’ll definitely want to check these out!

  1. Brave Learner by Julie Bogart
  2. Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto
  3. How To Start Homeschooling: When You Have No Idea Where to Start by Amanda and Stéphane Ostrander
  4. The Read-Aloud Family by Sarah Mackenzie
  5. How to Raise a Reader by Pamela Paul and Maria Russo
  6. Barefoot and Balanced by Angela Hanscom
  7. Free to Learn by Peter Gray
  8. The Call of the Wild and Free by Ainsley Arment
  9. Homeschool Bravely by Jamie Erickson

These are my top recommendations so far. I still plan to keep up my goal of reading more this year, maybe even setting a number goal. I’m thinking of trying to read 50 books this year. Which means I’m probably going to be able to add few titles to this list by the end of the year.

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