How to Socialize Your Homeschool Child

Ask any homeschooler and they will tell you that the most common question they get is about socialization. While it’s not an issue (see our post here on putting this question to bed) some parents do worry that their children aren’t getting enough socialization.

The truth is, unless you are living under a rock and never leaving your house, your child is probably getting enough socialization. But if you are looking for ways to give your child more oppertunities to interact with others here are some of our favourite ways we socialize our homeschool kids.

Where we like to take our kids to socialize:

  • Playgroups/ Hubs
  • Preschool Programs
  • Errands/Appointments/Shopping
  • Visiting Family
  • Extra-curricular Activities
  • Our Neighbourhood
  • Public Spaces (like a library)
Homeschool Socialization

Hopefully this will give you some ideas of where you can take your children to interact with others and help them socialize. Where do your kids do their socializing? Let us know!

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