The Cambridge Butterfly Conservatory

After visiting the girls’ aunt and uncle and their wonderful farmer’s market, we decided to break up the long ride home. We decided to stop at the Cambridge Butterfly Conservatory.

Being totally honest, we didn’t expect much. We have a butterfly gallery at our local science centre and we thought it would be pretty much the same. But at least it would be a stop and a chance for the girls to stretch their legs.

Well we were wrong! The place was amazing!

Alexie loved looking at all insects they had in the galleries. Not only the beautiful butterflies on the walls, but also the live bugs they had. From the spider to the scorpion to the assassin bugs, they were all so interesting. But then we stepped into the conservatory.

It was like walking into a jungle full of butterflies. There were little birds flying about and even a turtle in the stream. There we little feeding stations throughout the conservatory and butterflies all around.

Cambridge Butterfly Conservatory Field Trip

Both the girls loved it! Alexie even asked that we go around a second time! We were there for almost 2 hours and the girls were thrilled. It was a great experience and we will totally be going back in the future.

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