Friday Field Trip: Visiting a Radio Station

Visitng a Radio Station

We try to take the kids on some kind of field trip at least once a month. Sometimes it’s something that we plan. Other times, an awesome oppertunity just falls into our laps.

This month, we had something super cool come up. We were invited by our local CBC radio station to do an interview. While they were originally inquiring about an over-the-phone interview, we asked if they would be okay with us doing it in-studio instead. Because, how cool is that to be in a studio doing a live radio interview?

They agreed and we headed off to the studio a few days later.

We got there a few minutes before our interview and got to see the studio, and watch as they read the local news….and then we were up!

Field Trip to a Radio Station

We talked about homeschooling, YouTubing and how we do it all. The girls were so happy to be apart of it, and see where those voices on the radio come from. And the people at CBC were so nice. They gave the girls these great red toques, which they wear all the time.

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