Tracks: Exploring Animal Tracks and Footprints

Animal Tracks and Footprints

One of the great things about all the snow we get is that it becomes very easy to see the tracks of the animals in our area. Alexie recently found some rabbit prints and that started a fun little learning adventure.

We got a great book from the library about tracks and the animals that make them. “Who was Here? Discovering Wild Animal Tracks” was a wonderful book. It had a page with a picture of the tracks and a little riddle to help you figure out which animal made those tracks. It really helped get Alexie primed for the next part of our project.

We headed out for a little nature walk. We went on search of tracks in the woods near our house and we found some. It was a great activity for the kids and Alexie really got into it. We managed to find some small animal tracks like rabbits and squirrels and some bigger tracks, too!

Animal Tracks and Footprints

Next we made some of our own tracks using some paint and cardboard. We made little footprint stamps using the side of our hand and then we painted the girls’ feet and let them make their own tracks.

This was such a simple learning experience but it was a lot of fun!

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