How to Prevent Homeschool Burnout

preventing homeschool burnout

Let’s talk about burnout.

It’s real and it happens to most homeschoolers at one point or another. It’s the feeling of exhaustion, being overwhelmed or unmotivated, irritability, depression, anger, or like you’re constantly playing catch-up. It can happen to anyone.

One of the biggest causes is the lack of breaks for homeschooling parents. How do you refill you bucket when you are constantly with the kids? Finding ways to take breaks, and take time for yourself is an important part of self-care.

Today I’m sharing a few things that I do to ensure that I get a break. From having a strict bedtime to quiet time to finding time for your own hobbies (for me, it’s reading), there are things that we can do to ensure we are taking care of ourselves as parents and homeschoolers. Because no one wants to burn out.

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