Our Learning Goals for 2019

New Year’s is a time for setting new goals and intentions for the year ahead. This year we decided as a family that we would make some learning goals, things we want to learn how to do by the end of the year.

In this video, we talk about our goals and what we want to accomplish in 2019.

Alexie decided that she would like to learn how to read a book by the end of the year, all by her self.

ZoƩ has begrudgingly agreed that she is going to learn how to use the potty.

Mom and Dad came up with a little challenge. While we both have learning goals of our own, we also challenged each other to learn a new skill.

Mom’s learning goal is to read 12 books (written for adults) by the end of the year. And, Mom challenged Dad to do the same.

Dad has decided to work on learning the ukulele so he can teach the girls. Dad had a challenge for Mom, too. Mom will be learning how to edit a video!

Our Learning goals for 2019

So, it’ll be a year of learning in our household and we are excited to get started on our goals.

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