Can You Homeschool for Free?

Can you homeschool for free?

It’s a question you see in almost every homeschool group or forum. People wanting to homeschool but concerned about the cost of educating their children at home. So they ask, “Can you do it for free?”

The answer might surprise you!

Like I said in the video, you can’t homeschool for free. You’ve got to have a budget. But it doesn’t have to be big. You don’t have to spend a fortune on curriculum but you do need to set aside some money for outings, supplies and other necessities. But, you’d most likely be paying for many of these things even if your kids were in public school. It’s just a matter of having a real budget for it so you can keep yourself in a good position financially.

Homeschooling for Free?

Our next post is about some of my favourite tips on how to save money while homeschooling. It’s not possible to do it for free, but it is possible to do on a tiny budget.

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