Alphabet Scavenger Hunt

Alphabet Scavenger Hunt

Looking for an easy but super educational activity that helps kids learn their letters? This alphabet scavenger hunt is honestly one of our favourite learning activities.

All you need are some letters, a piece of chalk and place to hide them. We like to use the foam letters from our playroom puzzle mat. And we love to hide them in our playroom, back yard or even our local park.

I hide the letters around and have a list of letters to match them up with. Matching up letters is great for 3 reasons;

  1. To help further identify the letters and practise their names and sounds
  2. Work on learning alphabetical order
  3. Make sure you have all the letters before you leave the park

Let your kids run around and gather the letters. It’s also a great way to add some physical activity to your language lesson.

Alphabet Scavenger Hunt

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