Quarantine Easter Ideas

This easter is going to look a little different. Ok, a lot different.

With all the social-distancing and self-isolation, this holiday is going be unusual for a lot of people.

We aren’t going to church on Good Friday or Easter Sunday. We aren’t visiting the grandparents, aunts, uncles or cousins. Even our plans for a big family Easter dinner has been put on hold.

With all these changes, along with the inability to find all the traditional Easter fare, this holiday will be different from those of the past.

But that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun and exciting. The Easter bunny has been cleared by the World Health Organization and even deemed an essential service in our province. He’s still making the rounds just doing so s safely.

If you want a great letter from the Easter Bunny, explaining the whole situation to kids and how he’s keeping everyone safe this year, feel free to download our free PDF letter here! It’s punny and cute and perfect for little ones.

Since this is going to be a different Easter season, we’ve come up with a few simple ideas to make this Easter “egg-citing” even in quarantine.

Decorate the Windows

This has been one of the best trends to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic. People every where are decorating their windows. Some are taping paper hearts or drawings up. Others are painting the windows with washable paint (mix either water-based paint or acrylic paint with a drop of dawn dish soap, to make your own.) It’s a great way to great creative, do something different and decorate for the holidays.

Easter in Self-Isolation

Scavenger Hunt

Who doesn’t love a scavenger hunt. We’ve done one every year. It’s how the girls find their Easter baskets. Growing up, it how we found our large chocolate bunny. And it’s so easy to do.

Just make a series of clues that lead from one room to another. We used some post-it notes so we could stick it where ever we wanted without worrying about the tape damaging the walls or surface. Then send the kids on their way. It’s a simple way to add some extra “egg-citment” to the morning.

Easter Activities in Self-Isolation

Puzzle Hunt

DO your kids love puzzles? Mine do! Take a puzzle, and put a peice (or a few) into plastic eggs. It makes for an awesome activity. The kids don’t know what puzzle it is until it done. You can do this with a new puzzle or one you already have. We got a new puzzle at Walmart, where we do our regular groceries for $1.25 and it would be perfect for this Eastery activity.

Substitute Snacks

Can’t find you favourite Easter snacks? I get it. Alexie has lots of food sensitivities, which means we’ve been substituting snacks since her diagnosis last year. We’ve gotten quiet creative with what we fill our plastic eggs with. In the past we’ve filled them with:

  • dry cereal
  • gummies from the “lunch snack section”
  • mini granola bars
  • any type of candy
  • boxes of raisins
  • chocolate chips
  • freeze-dried fruit and yogurt drops
  • gift cards
  • nail polishes
  • basically anythign small that fits in your plastic eggs.

Remember that it’s about the excietment of looking for eggs, not just what’s inside them.

Easter Bunny Letter in Quarantine

Tea Time

We are huge fans of poetry teas and what better time to have one, than at Easter. Put on your favourite outfit (perhaps your facniest Easter dresses?), gather your Easter treats, pour a cup of tea (or iced tea) and read. Whether it’s a book, a favourite poem or the biblical Easter story, it’s a simple and fun way to make learning and literacy part of the day.

With this year being a different holiday, lots of things won’t be the same. But that doesn’t mean they have to be sad or boring. A little fun and excitement can be good for the soul, especially in these troubling times.

Last year’s Easter Baskets filled made especially for kids with Food Allergies and Sensitivities

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