How to Host a Poetry Teatime

How to Host a Poetry Teatime

Last summer, I asked Alexie what she wanted to learn and do in her homeschooling this year. She had a few suggestions. One of them was to have more tea parties. That’s certainly an idea I can get on board with. Poetry teatime was an idea from “Brave Learner” author Julie Bogart. The concept is…

What Should My Kindergartener Know?

What Should My Kindergartener Know?

People often wonder, “Is my kindergartener doing enough? Are they behind? What do they need to know?” We are answering that question today! First off, let’s establish a timeline, a base age. When we’re talking about this, we’re talking about what kids should be able to do by the end of kindergarten or by the…

Quarantine Easter Ideas

Quarantine Easter Ideas

This easter is going to look a little different. Ok, a lot different. With all the social-distancing and self-isolation, this holiday is going be unusual for a lot of people. We aren’t going to church on Good Friday or Easter Sunday. We aren’t visiting the grandparents, aunts, uncles or cousins. Even our plans for a…

Homeschool Rules in Ontario

Is homeschooling even legal? What are the rules? Do you have to tell someone about all this? First off, homeschooling is completely legal all across Canada. Secondly, the rules for homeschooling vary greatly from province to province. Each province has it’s own set of rules, regulations and requirements. Some provinces have very strict rules like…

We Don’t Homeschool in December

We Don’t Homeschool in December

This might surprise many people, homeschoolers and non-homeschoolers alike, but we don’t homeschool during December. Yep, that’s right.  During December, we don’t do any work in our workbooks, journals, or flashcards. We even take a break from our novel studies. This might seem odd to most, but it’s a very conscious decision on our part.…

Books Under the Tree

Books Under the Tree

Last year we started a tradition. During the month of December, the girls really look forward to two things. They love to do their daily advent activity and they love their daily Christmas book. You see, on December 1st, the girls wake up to find the advent calendar set up and 24 presents under the…