Homeschool Prep: Getting Ready for A New Month

It’s the beginning of the month. That means it’s time for a reset.

I like to take a few minutes on the first of the month to complete a few tasks that really help keep our homeschooling run smoothly. It’s the little things that make our lives a little easier and help keep us organized.

Here are a few things that I do at the beginning of every month.

  • Fill out our Calendar with all our playgroups, classes and field trips
  • Change over the books in our Reading Basket
  • Check our daily supplies and stock up or replace whatever we need
  • Prepare any bigger project that we might be working on for the next month
Getting Ready for a New Month

Once I do these things, I know I’ve set myself up for a good month. A little prep up front really does help things run a little smoother down the road.

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