What’s in This Year’s Easter Baskets

The Easter Bunny is coming this weekend. The girls are very excited about his arrival, especially Alexie who really remembers the excitement of searching for eggs. But I’m sure Zoé will jump right in, gathering eggs as soon as she realizes what’s up.

This year is a little different because Alexie was recently diagnosed with some pretty severe food sensitivities, which includes dairy, grains, nuts, corn, oranges, and potatoes just to name a few. This makes finding chocolate and candy a little tricky. While I did manage to find some Enjoy Life Chocolate Chip packets and some organic jelly beans, the Easter candy will be very limited this year.

Instead, we put a little more effort into making really nice Easter baskets for the girls. Baskets filled with things they need and want for the upcoming spring and summer months. I’m sure they will love finding these on Easter Sunday morning.

We try to be practical with our baskets by including mostly things they need and then adding a few fun things in at the end.

Allergy-friendly Easter Basket Ideas

This year, both girls are getting:

It’s a nice balance of things they need and things that they want. But it’s also allergen-friendly which means we don’t have to worry about Alexie being itchy all day.

What are you putting in your Easter Baskets? We would love to know!

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