Here in Canada, we get a lot of snow. But often it’s too cold for us to really get out there and explore it. So, sometimes, we bring the snow into our house instead!
A big bin of snow, some scoops and spoons and a towel is really all you need. And it is a load of fun. It’s a great sensory activity, allowing children to explore different textures and feelings. The snow feels cold, wet, soft, crunchy. This helps kids develop their curiosity and a love of exploration.
We also paint the snow! Adding a few drops of food colouring to a small cup of water and a paint brush are all you really need. We used primary colours and allowed the girls to not only paint the snow, but also see how the colours mix together and what colours they make. This is a great bonus activity.
And, the clean up on this activity is so easy. I just throw the bin of melted snow in the front yard, use the towel dry up the kids and any spills and that’s it! This simple activity entertained our two kids (preschooler and toddler) for almost an hour. So, it’s really a great activity that is cheap, easy and super entertaining for the little ones.