The Human Body: Naming Body Parts in French and English

Naming Body Part in French and English

Today, we are combining biology, art and literacy in this fun STEAM activity, as we talk about the human body. Oh, and we do it in English and French!

Using a roll of craft paper and some markers, we laid Alexie down and traced around her whole body to make a life size poster.

Then we let her color different parts, and add details like eyes, noses and a mouth. While she adds details, mom and dad help her learn the names of the different parts of the body. As we label the poster, we make sure to include both the French and English names for each body part.

Naming Body Part in French and English

It was a fun activity that combines so many awesome subjects including biology, art and literacy. And it has an added benefit of letting the kids work on their bellies which is great for building core strength and stability. Bonus!

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