How to Beat a Homeschool Slump

Homeschool Slump

Feeling tired, uninspired and bored with your homeschooling? Do days go by without doing any curriculum or lessons? You’re in a slump.

And it’s totally normal. And while it’s discouraging, especially for new homeschool parents, it’s not the end of the world.

Falling into a homeschooling slump happens to the best, most experienced homeschoolers. There are even certain times of the year when slumping is more common. November, January, and March all tend to be months when a lot of families struggle to stay on plan. Why? November and March are major seasonal shifts, where it’s cold and wet outside. And coming off the post-Christmas excitement makes January feel a little dull (and it’s crazy cold too).

So what do you do when you fall into a slump?

We’ve go a few tip, tricks and ideas on how to beat it.

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